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What are cable glands used for?

Author    |    hongxiang_admin    |    May 15, 2023

Cable glands are one of the most useful components used in electronic systems operating in harsh industrial environments. Provides a watertight or dust-tight seal for cables and wires entering the enclosure. They are also used to hold and tension cables and provide electrical continuity between the inside and outside of the enclosure.

By investing in cable glands and cable protection products, businesses can ensure that their critical electrical equipment and cable accessories are properly protected from the elements. Cable glands are most commonly used in the automatic assembly, oil and gas, rail transit, and marine industries.

Here we will explore the most common uses of the various types of cable glands, understand their most common industrial applications, and highlight some of the key advantages cable glands can provide to these areas.

Automatic industries

How do cable glands work?

The cable gland is a complex component consisting of a central housing, lock nut with washer and seal, connecting cone, compression/packing nut, two-part housing (in some models), electrical grounding tab, insulator, and rubber seal. Once the cable has been threaded through the cable gland and secured in place, it creates an airtight seal that protects the cable from external elements such as moisture or dirt.

The most common uses of cable glands

Cable glands are sometimes called collets, mechanical cable entries, cable connectors, or cable accessories and provide a protective enclosure around the ends of cables to secure connections and prevent damage or strain.

They provide a way to connect and disconnect wires and a way to protect them from wear and tear. There are many different types of cable glands, each with a specific purpose. These high-security sealing and termination devices are most commonly used in the following applications:

Cables laid outdoors must be protected from rain and other adverse weather conditions. To ensure maximum protection, appropriate environmental protection measures should be taken.

Damage and corrosion must be prevented when electrical equipment and cables are used in offshore environments where they may be exposed to salt water. Appropriate protective measures should be taken to ensure that electrical connections remain functional and safe. Such measures include sealing, capping, and waterproofing of all applicable components.

In hazardous, explosive, or dangerous industrial environments, extra care must be taken. These areas require specific safety procedures to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. Extra care must be taken to ensure safe and secure operations in these spaces.

In dusty industrial environments, electrical equipment must be kept away from them for safety reasons. In these situations, keeping a safe distance is the best way to protect yourself and those around you.

It is important to take protective measures when unarmored or unprotected cables may come into contact with hazardous or corrosive materials. Proper protective structures should be implemented to keep these valuable assets safe.

If your application involves any of these risks or requirements, it is important to consider the various cable gland types and choose the one that provides the appropriate level of safety and protection. For example, you may need a watertight cable gland to prevent water ingress or a metallic cable gland made of brass, aluminum, or steel for robust performance.


When are cable glands needed?

Cable glands are used in those industries where cables and equipment are most likely to be exposed to the elements. This includes industries such as aerospace, manufacturing, marine, power and utilities, telecommunications, and food and beverage. These industries often use plain and armored cable glands to help protect their critical electrical system infrastructure from moisture, dirt, dust, and other contaminants.

If you are considering whether cable glands are the right solution for protecting your electrical connections, consider the following questions:

What is the placement of your electrical equipment: indoors or outdoors?

It is important to assess the likelihood of cable entry points being exposed to rain, water, or other sources of environmental contamination. Professional considerations must be taken in order to properly protect these entries from any potential risk.

Are there any additional environmental sealing requirements to ensure your power systems and cables can operate securely and reliably in explosive or hazardous areas?

Do your electrical instruments lack a sealing and termination system, making them prone to damage from dirt and moisture?

What is the ambient temperature at the operating site? Is the temperature suitable for your electrical equipment, considering its specified operating temperature range? If there are anomalies in temperature readings, it could potentially have an adverse effect on your electrical equipment.

Are you seeking a reliable automated system that can remain operational and require minimal maintenance, even over extended periods of time?

When any of the above scenarios are a consideration, industry-grade cable glands can be an invaluable addition to aid reliability and protection against elements. With thorough research and analysis, selecting the ideal sizing, level of ingress protection, build quality, and other requirements help secure optimal performance in your system long-term.


Cable glands are used in a variety of applications, from networking and telecommunications to automotive and aerospace. They are an essential part of any cable or wiring installation, providing a waterproof and secure connection. If you want to learn more about cable glands or need guidance in choosing the right solution for your application, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

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